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Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development
1.1 What is Node.js? (4:40)
1.2 Installing Node.js (1:16)
1.3 Creating our First Server (6:19)
1.4 More on Request and Response (4:37)
1.5 Responding with HTML (5:24)
Introduction to npm and Express
2.1 Installing Custom Packages with npm (4:46)
2.2 Handling Requests with Express (8:29)
2.3 Asynchronous with Callback functions (2:08)
2.4 Serving other HTML files (1:31)
2.5 Serving Static Files with Express (4:19)
Beginning our Blog Project
3.1 Downloading the blog template (3:21)
3.2 Automatic server restart with nodemon (4:13)
3.3 'public' folder for serving static files (4:01)
3.4 Creating page routes (8:12)
Templating Engines
4.1 Templating engines (4:54)
4.2 Layouts (10:14)
Introduction to MongoDB
5.1 Introduction to MongoDB (3:03)
5.2 Installing MongoDB
5.3 Mongoose & defining a model (5:38)
5.4 CRUD operations with Mongoose (6:35)
5.5 Reading data from MongoDB using mongoose (5:38)
5.6 Updating and deleting records (1:59)
Applying MongoDB to our Project
6.1 Applying MongoDB to our project (10:48)
6.2 Saving posts to the database (3:53)
6.3 Displaying a list of blog posts (2:20)
6.4 Dynamic data with templating engines (3:30)
6.5 Single blog post page (4:50)
6.6 Adding Fields to the Schema (3:49)
Uploading an Image with Express
7.1 Uploading an image with Express (6:47)
7.2 Saving uploaded image to the database (2:45)
Introduction to Express Middleware
8.1 Express middlewares (3:40)
8.2 Registering validation middleware (3:55)
Refactoring to MVC
9.1 Refactoring to MVC (10:45)
9.2 Refactoring validation layer (2:12)
User Registration
10.1 User registration (5:29)
10.2 User Model (2:25)
10.3 Handle user registration and password encryption (5:42)
10.4 mongoose validation (4:40)
10.5 User login process (2:52)
10.6 Login Process (6:44)
User Authentication with Express Sessions
11.1 Implementing user sessions (6:32)
11.2 Protecting pages with authentication middleware (3:47)
11.3 Prevent Login Register If logged in (2:49)
11.4 Conditionally display new post, login and new user links (4:19)
11.5 user logout (2:46)
11.6 Creating a 404 page for non-existing route (2:42)
Showing Validation Errors
12.1 Showing validation errors (4:40)
12.2 Display validation errors in template (5:12)
12.3 Duplicate error entry (2:34)
12.4 Flushing error messages from session (4:14)
12.5 Customising Error Messages (1:41)
12.6 persist request data on form (4:56)
Relating Post Collection with User Collection
13.1 Relating posts collection with users collection (4:46)
Adding a WYSIWYG Editor
14.1 Adding a WYSIWYG editor (7:28)
Using MongoDB Atlas
Using MongoDB Atlas (8:21)
Deploying Web Apps on Heroku
16.1 Making our app heroku ready (5:22)
16.2 Deployment (3:12)
7.2 Saving uploaded image to the database
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